Утасны тусгаарлагчийн төрлүүд ба тэдгээрийн …
Үүний зэрэгцээ, the insulation protects the wire from the harsh conditions in the installation environment and ensures its proper operation. Insulation can be made of different materials, depending on the wire's target application. But overall, хуванцар, резин, and fluoropolymers are the most common types of wire ...
HTDZ өндөр градиент зутан соронзон сепараторыг …
Kaolin has abundant reserves in my country, and the proven geological reserves are about 3 billion tons, mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Fujian, Jiangsu and other places. Due to the different geological formation reasons, the composition and structure of kaolin from diff...