Ган хоолой бутны үүрэг
1. In moving parts, the wear of parts is caused by long-term friction. When the clearance between important officials and holes is worn to a certain extent, parts must be replaced. Therefore, the designer selects the material with low hardness and good wear resistance as the shaft sleeve or bushing in the design, which can reduce the wear of the …
Зөөврийн агаар шүүгч гагнуурын утаа сорогч
Portable air filter welding fume extractor CNX Series mobile welding smoke purifier adopts high efficiency filter cartridges as filter element. The filter cartridges choose filter material is different from conventional filter material, PTFE мембраны давхарга бүхий гадаргуу. Traditional filter material (such as cotton, cotton satin, paper and other traditional ...