18 Ферросоронз | Enkhzul Seiko No Omo
2006 •. Luc Bovens. Belief merging (Konieczny & Pino-Pérez) requires the satisfaction of integrity constraints (IC): these are extra conditions imposed on the collective outcome. Distance-based approach in belief merging: collective outcomes (satisfying IC) determined via minimization of distance with respect to profiles of individual bases.
Тусгаарлагчийн нимгэн аэрогель хальс |GBS соронзон …
Aerogel heat insulation film use the nano air hole to stop or change the direction of heat conduction to reduce the temperature of the products, it can also laminated with other heat dissipation material or EMI Shielding material like Copper, Aluminum,Polyimide, Graphite and die cut into dif...