The Man Who Sold an Art Forgery to the Nazis... and Almost Got Away With It
So van Meegeren didn't just paint any old Vermeer, he painted Caravaggio-influenced Vermeers that could easily be attributed to the painter's lost period. Van Meegeren continued his excellence in duplicity through to the materials used to make his forgeries. He bought original 17th century canvases for cheap and scraped off the pre …
Vermeer's Fiercest Fans
Finding Comfort in Vermeer's Quiet Humor. When Arne Neumeyer went through a bad time a decade ago, art was his balm. "I suffered from a heavy depression," he says. "The arts—theater, opera, concerts—it was like air I needed to breathe.". The resident of Munich had always admired 17th-century Dutch paintings.
The Milkmaid by Johannes Vermeer: His Second Most …
By Team Artsapien / April 17, 2022. Jan Vermeer's 'The Milkmaid' romanticizes the simplicity of life on the canvas. The painting realistically portrays a dull and minimally arranged room where a woman is pouring milk from a jug into a bigger utensil. Minimalism is felt in every aspect of this masterpiece. From the simple terracotta ...
Johannes Vermeer | – Den Store Danske
Johannes Vermeer var en hollandsk maler, der i dag regnes for en af de betydeligste hollandske 1600-talsmalere. Johannes Vermeer blev i sin samtid højt værdsat af en beskeden kreds af samlere, men han syntes at have været glemt i bredere kredse indtil midten af 1800-tallet. Her blev Vermeer genopdaget af den franske kunstkritiker, …
Johannes Vermeer | Biography, Art, Paintings, with a …
Johannes Vermeer, 17th-century Dutch artist, known for his luminous paintings of daily life, allegorical scenes, and cityscapes. Although only about 36 of his paintings survive, including with a Pearl Earring, these rare works are among the greatest treasures in the world's finest museums.
Vermeer in the movies. Top 5 films featuring the paintings of …
The "All The Vermeers In New York" movie received favourable reports from critics, as well as awards and nominations of prestigious independent film festivals, but failed its American release without even paying back the budget spent. According to the comment of the iconic American film critic Roger Ebert, it was simply too good for the commercial market: "If 'All …
Paintings of Vermeer in Great Collections — Google Arts & Culture
Paintings of Vermeer in Great Collections. The paintings of the Dutch Artist Johannes, or Jan, Vermeer (1632–1675) are among the most reproduced and well-loved works of art in the world. In this Expedition, we'll examine a dozen or so Vermeers in some of the world's great museums. The Frick Collection, Rijksmuseum, Kenwood House ...