(DOC) Туслах процесс орчуулга | Баку Г.
Body regions are evenly developed, crump is slightly higher, chest relatively broader and deeper, wool shorter, denser and has "goat" hair, tail shorter and thicker and twinning rate from 8% to 10% of all sheep, 7% to 8% have extra vertebra, greater live weight and meat yield, and are more chesty. Average productive performances of Buryat ...
Aja, Ajā: 41 definitions
Aja (अज) (in Tibetan: Gyälka) (927–1027 CE) refers to the eleventh of the twenty-five Kalki kings (of Shambhala) who represents the holders of the Kalachakra ("wheel of time") teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni.—The king Aja is described as "who binds with unbreakable iron chains". context information.