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Какао блокуудыг бутлах. Big Wing Wikipedia. The Big Wing, also known as a Balbo, was an air fighting tactic proposed during the Battle of Britain by 12 Group commander Air ViceMarshal Trafford LeighMallory and Acting Squadron Leader Douglas Bader essence, the tactic involved meeting incoming Luftwaffe ...
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Какао блокуудыг бутлах. Big Wing Wikipedia. The Big Wing, also known as a Balbo, was an air fighting tactic proposed during the Battle of Britain by 12 Group commander Air ViceMarshal Trafford LeighMallory and Acting Squadron Leader Douglas Bader essence, the tactic involved meeting incoming Luftwaffe ...
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Какао блокуудыг бутлах. Big Wing - Wikipedia. The Big Wing, also known as a Balbo, was an air fighting tactic proposed during the Battle of Britain by 12 Group commander Air Vice-Marshal Trafford Leigh-Mallory and Acting Squadron Leader Douglas Bader essence, the tactic involved meeting incoming Luftwaffe ...