(DOC) Дипломын-ажил (1) | С.Т. Адъяа
The object of study – passive system of heat removal. Subject of investigation – providing cost-effective and more safe passive system of heat removal. Purpose - development of passive system of heat removal The method of research - analysis, systematic approach. Operation of seconndary circuit was analyzed, it was concluded to replace the ...
Set-aside programs that consist in forbidding access to specific participants are commonly used in procurement auctions. We show that when the set of potential participants is composed of an incumbent (whose entry costs are already sunk) and of entrants who show up endogenously (in such a way that their expected rents are fixed by outside options), …
Хятадад хамгийн сайн үйлдвэрлэсэн
Хятадад хамгийн сайн үйлдвэрлэсэн - сэлбэг хэрэгсэл - Хятадад үйлдвэрлэгч Өндөр 540 pto хурдны хайрцаг Pretoria Өмнөд Африк хурдны бөмбөг холхивч 6202 202 6202 Zz 80202 6202 2RS 180202 6202-2z 6202-Z 6202-Rz 6202-2rz 6202n 6202-Zn Precision Rolling Bearing Motorcycle Spare ...