эрэгтэйн нөхөн үржихүйн анатоми, физиологи | PPT
1. Эрэгтэй нөхөн үржихүйн эрхтний анатоми, физиологи ЭМШУИС, А-421, Оюутан Б.Алтанзул Popad Rep Physiol MRP 1. 2. THE MALE UROGENITAL TRACT Popad Rep Physiol MRP 2. 3. ТӨМСӨГ: ЭР БЭЛГИЙН БУЛЧИРХАЙ VAS DEFERENS EPIDIDYMIS SEMENIFEROUS TUBULE RETE TESTIS ...
(PPT) Ялгаруулах эрхтний физиологи
The present paper deals with a frequently applied method of term creation, the use of linguistic calques. After a brief historical overview we demonstrate examples of semantic and lexical calques in Russian anatomical names. The corpus of our analysis is the chapter Ossa of Terminologia anatomica, the international anatomical nomenclature.
3. development of_embryo_and_fetus | PPT
Therefore fetus get some kind of anomalies. 40 weeks is from onset of last menstrual period.If delivery not occur over 40weeks over, baby gets distress condition, because placenta can not sufficient oxygen and nutrient. 3. development of_embryo_and_fetus - Download as a PDF or view online for free.